A review by litwithleigh
The Ice Beneath Her by Camilla Grebe


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**I read this book 3 years ago, but I'm updating my review for clarity


Homicide detectives, Peter Lindgren and Manfred Olsson, are investigating the disappearance of chain-store CEO Jesper Orre and consider him a suspect in the brutal killing of a woman in his home. At the same time, Emma Bohman, a retail worker for Orre's chain, is trying to find him as well but for different reasons: he ghosted her and she wants to know why.


Like [b:The Silent Wife|16171291|The Silent Wife|A.S.A. Harrison|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1356094989l/16171291._SY75_.jpg|22018742] , I am once again in the minority with my 5 star review. I can see how others would be turned off by this book; the writing style is very particular (keep in mind, this is the author's first English novel). It's hard to describe the writing style, but I will say, it isn't bad. I've read WAAAAYYYY worse by native English speakers.

So, why did I give this book 5 stars? 1) I was confused the entire time and wondering how this all came together and 2) THAT ENDING THOUGH???? 3 years later, the twist in this book still amazes me. I did not see it coming. I don't want to say too much without ruining it, but the reveal at the end... GURLLL. I was shook.

The storyline was unique and expertly crafted. As I said, I couldn't figure out how everything tied together. Sometimes, in books where two seemingly unrelated yet related storyline parallel each other until the very end, one POV outweighs the other. However, Camilla Grebe did an incredible job advancing each POV and with the character development of all the characters.

Despite the meh reviews, GIVE THIS A CHANCE. The writing isn't bad, just different. It's very... European, if that makes sense? I know it doesn't. But regardless, the ending will have you questioning everything you know. And it is plausible, which makes it even better. You don't have to suspend your disbelief to thoroughly enjoy this read.

Pros: Everything. And I mean everything.
Cons: Nada