A review by readingthroughtheages
Boys of Blur by N.D. Wilson


Wow. Great writing, great story. I'm still thinking about this one.
The book starts fast and quickly gets into the heart of the story. From time to time, I felt a lull in the book (this could be the times that I was reading before bed and couldn't keep my eyes open). It wouldn't last long, but I noticed my attention fading just a bit. Once you reach halfway, it was hard to put the book down.
The writing was fantastic and many reviewers before me have given many examples. With this being a "slim" book, there is a slight misconception as to who this book is for. I think the writing and content is advanced enough that I would put it in the hands of fifth graders and above. A mature fourth grader would probably do fine with it as well.
There are references in the story to Beowolf and while I read it (or maybe it was an excerpt) in high school, I don't remember much about it. When I read the reviews of other people, I think it enhanced their understanding of the story, but I didn't feel my forgetting about it detracted anything. And since I'm pretty sure most middle school readers do not have much background on the story, they should be ok!
I liked the fast pace of the book. It will grip readers and keep them hooked. The writing is tight - no extra descriptions so the reader is kept on a treadmill - the belt just keeps moving!