A review by eesh25
Another Day by David Levithan


Another Day is a sequel to [b:Every Day|13262783|Every Day (Every Day, #1)|David Levithan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1356993940s/13262783.jpg|18464379]; but instead of telling us of future events, it's the same story told from a different perspective. So we get the story of A—the person who changes bodies every day—but it's told from the perspective of Rhiannon, the girl who makes him wish he didn't.

Now, I understand that some people might be sceptical about this book because it's still the same story. They might think of it as unnecessary (like I did before reading it), or even as a cash-grab (which would be ridiculous to suggest because David Levithan is already very popular and probably earns a lost of cash). Anyway, if you're one of the people who feel this way, I assure you that this book is so not how you might think it would be.

Yes, it's the same story, but it's also not. Rhiannon is an entirely different person with her own life, problems, friends, family and her own story. And I believe that this series would have been incomplete without getting her story as well.

Rhiannon has a life that's very separate from A, and this series is very unique in a way that makes this book not redundant at all. I mean, if things were the other way round, with Rhiannon getting the first book, would that make A's story less interesting or important? No, it wouldn't. And that's why his story doesn't take anything away from hers. Though I would suggest putting at least few weeks between the two books.

Anyway, onto the book.

Rhiannon is a very interesting characters. She already has a complicated life and suffers from extremely low self-esteem, which is made worse by her complete prick of a boyfriend, Justin. And when A gets added to the mix, things become even more difficult and she feels overwhelmed. Yet she manages to handle things pretty well, which helps us forgive her for her mistakes. I had a lot of feelings toward her and her story that I can't sum up in brief. It was very emotional, to say the least.

And it was truly great to get to know her better and to see her with her friends and learn about her life outside of A as well as seeing her dealing with her feelings for A.

What surprised me the most about the novel, though, was the amount of depth it had. I really didn't see that coming. I guess I expected a story about a highschool girl with boy trouble but didn't expect her to be such a good person who gave so much thought to out preconceptions regards people and their physical appearances, after meeting someone who changes his (her) physical appearance every day.

Honestly, the book was very well written and I loved every minute of reading it. It reminded me a bit of [b:Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda|19547856|Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda|Becky Albertalli|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1402915678s/19547856.jpg|27679579] (another amazing book). David Levithan has done a wonderful job with this novel and I highly recommend that you give it a shot.

Review for Every Day