A review by shazov
Don't... by Jack L. Pyke


Wow, wow, wow. What a ride! This book went between WTF am I reading, to WTF is going on, to "you've got to be kidding me"! I had to stop part way through because it was just becoming too intense to continue. But then I couldn't relax until I had finished reading the whole thing either.

It's not an easy or a comfortable read. There are bits that are disturbing in many ways. Not so much in ways of kink; nothing of that nature as such. But in other ways, it was a hard read. But...at the same time, it was completely engrossing.

I at times loathed, loved, hated and adored the characters. They are all so marvellously flawed and real. No cardboard copy in sight anywhere. And the intrigue and suspense that runs throughout the whole story...brillliant!

It's going on my Favourites shelf. It deserves it's place there, but I think I'll let it simmer for a bit first before I reread this one again.