A review by alwaysbooking
Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers


This is the second book in Robin LaFevers His Fair Assassin trilogy. The first book blew me away. Dark Triumph was not what I was expecting however it was just as good. This book was so much more dark than the first book.

Dark Triumph follows Sybella on her journey as Mortian’s assassin daughter. She was basically brought up in his convent from a young age to be an amazing assassin. When you first meet Sybella in Grave Mercy she seems off her rocker. However she bonds with Ismae during the beginning of that book. The convent sends her back to her family to spy on them. Sybella’s family is soooo horrible…. I can’t believe they would send her back there. Anything to do with her family is crazy.. these are probably some of the darkest part of the book. However she is promised that she gets to kill her other father D’albert. This guy is seriously evil people and he raises evil children for the most part. While she is there the convent sends word that she is to rescue beast (who was one of my favorites in Grave Mercy). However things never go according to plan…

I loved the imperfectness of Sybella’s character. She doubts herself so much and whether Mortian would want her to do what she is asked. Why does she enjoy killing evil people so much? Is she as truly evil as D’albert himself?? I loved how both of these book had slow burn realistic romance. Not insta-love at all.. Every character is flawed in some way, no one is safe in these books. Even Beast has a wild side that lets loose during a fight. These books are so well crafted you never know who to trust. Even family is not to be trusted.. I can’t wait to read the next book.