A review by librariann
Spooky Little Girl by Laurie Notaro


Adult (teen interest? Maybe, but not a first pick)

A scant eight weeks before her wedding, slightly-flaky dental hygienist Lucy Fisher comes home from a horrible Hawaiian vacation and discovers a homeless lady on her front lawn, trying to stuff Lucy's wedding dress into a garbage bag. In fact, all of her belongings are outside of the house that she shares with her bland fiance, Martin. The next day, Lucy's Umbridge-esque coworker Nola gets her fired. With nowhere else to turn, Lucy leaves her stuff with her bff Jilly and goes out of town to stay with her sister, Alice. On her way to the unemployment office, she is pancaked by a bus, only to find herself in school in the not-quite-final afterlife. GHOST SCHOOL. Boo.

Started out annoying, like the Shopaholic books, but tipped the scales from tolerable to enjoyable when Lucy left ghost school and started haunting. Totally fluffy and ridiculous, but would be a good supernatural spring break beach read.