A review by qalminator
The Price of the Stars by James D. Macdonald, Debra Doyle


Entertaining space opera, with fairly obvious Star Wars influence. If you're looking for something light and entertaining (think '80's action film), you'll probably enjoy it. If you're looking for something deep and thoughtful, go elsewhere.

This is one that I loved as a teenager, and decided to try again. Still good, though my tolerance for ridiculous action sequences is lower than it used to be. Crashing through a wall on a hoverbike? Really? Is the wall made of paper? Jumping over the wall I had less issue with. So, just dial down expectations on physics accuracy to "silly '80's action movie".

One note: the Kindle version was not well-edited. I'm guessing that they just scanned it in, and didn't bother to do much (any?) reformatting afterwards. There's the odd typo as a result, maybe one every 10-20 pages, and the line breaks that should be separating sections with different POVs are missing. Tolerable, but still annoying.