A review by heabooknerd
Bonds of Justice by Nalini Singh


Another great addition to the PSY-CHANGELING series, especially in the character development. I will say that this one seems more isolated in the series in the sense that it’s so focused on the murder mystery. There are developments among other characters and changes to the world as a whole but they were more minor compared to previous books in this series. It felt a lot like a traditional crime drama book with the two of them investigating who’s after Nikita. Not a bad thing just not what we’ve gotten so far in the series.

Max was such a great cop and so focused on doing right by the victims of Bonner. He’s a very intense man and when he meets Sophia he puts all that intensity towards her. But he’s also incredibly sweet and protective of Sophia. He’s got the alpha possessiveness down pat even though he’s human. Sophia herself is a very strong character who has experienced tragedy in her life but she won’t let it get her down. Previous female Psy characters who have been breaking Silence (Sascha, Faith, Ashaya) have all been very strong but also more reserved and more concerned about their faltering Silence. In contrast, Sophia is pretty accepting of her failing Silence and she fully embraces her time with Max. She believes her shields will fail her soon and she wants to enjoy life with Max while she has it.

I also really liked how this one was “resolved” in terms of Max and Sophia’s relationship and her PsyNet connection; it was very different from past instances. It was nice that we got an ending that was different from the other Psy defections in the series.

Content Warning: References and flashbacks to past abuse