A review by amym84
Allegiance of Honor by Nalini Singh


When Nalini Singh says this book is an end-cap to "Season 1" of Psy/Changeling, she's not lying. Allegiance of Honor deftly culminates the storylines and characters from the fourteen previous books. There's a bit more focus on Lucas and Sascha which I found apt due to the fact that they are the couple that started it all in [b:Slave to Sensation|178476|Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling, #1)|Nalini Singh|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1403541641s/178476.jpg|172416]. In [b:Shards of Hope|17159943|Shards of Hope (Psy-Changeling, #14)|Nalini Singh|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1414670964s/17159943.jpg|42797145] our rag tag groups of Psy / Changlings / Humans began to run into conflict with a group called The Consortium. After having been thwarted in their plans in Shards, The Consortium goes underground to regroup.

The Consortium pops up again in Allegiance, but I felt like it was more of a "hello, we're still here and ready to cause trouble" type of thing. Showing that things are not settled as of yet, and I'm assuming this group will be one of the main causes of conflict for "Season 2" of the series. I kind of kept waiting for the other shoe to drop (so to speak) in regards to something big and bad happening, but it doesn't come (at least not to the scale we've seen in previous books).

Mostly, Allegiance is about the characters we've come to love throughout this series. Each couple gets some page time (some more than others) throughout the story. At times I felt like we were catching up with old friends. Finding out where they've been and where they're going. Nalini Singh ties up some of the more secondary threads (cough*pupcubs*cough) that have been going on for quite a while.

I personally enjoyed the more sedate pacing, the more day-to-day type of domestic tasks we see throughout the story. I honestly love revisiting the characters. It makes me want to go back and start from the beginning. It's an observation that's made quite frequently in this book, that the reason these characters are in their respective places (the reason that many of these events have come to pass) can boil down to an Alpha Changeling and a Psy mating (for the most part of course). Which is why I think it was apropos that Sascha and Lucas are featured so heavily here.

It was nice to almost have a breather, of sorts, before Nalini Singh dives right into another big story arc. It's clear where things are set-up to progress in the world overall. I'm just looking forward to having some of the most recently introduced characters (such as BlackSea) hopefully get their own stories told, or we may see some of the now-grownup characters finally get their own books as well. Allegiance really makes you understand how big this world that Nalini Singh created is.

I think anyone who is a Psy/Changeling fan will love Allegiance of Honor.

*ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.