A review by inkychaotics
The Bone Weaver's Orchard by Sarah Read


Sarah Read's writing is so beautiful -- I never thought anyone could make me sentimental about bugs before, but young Charley's fascination and attachment to the critters he collects is charming. They seem to be the only thing that really gives him a sense of peace as he navigates through a truly terrifying school, desperate to make the adults understand his truth. Read's debut novel contains strong prose, gorgeously dark descriptions, and many twists and turns as grotesque as what Charley finds in the East Wing. While I enjoyed being in Charley's POV most of the book, I think Sam ended up being my favorite character -- there is a complex history and background there and with the connection of the matrons that I wanted to know more about as we neared the poignant ending. Overall, this is a fantastic read and I truly look forward to more Sarah Read novels in the future!