A review by bitchie
Beyond the Sea by Keira Andrews


I really wish that I had been able to read this without seeing all the drama the past week. As much as I tried not to let it, the things I saw really had me questioning things while reading, looking at it in a way that I'm not sure I would have before. That's not a bad thing, it's always good to think about what you read, but it did still lessen my enjoyment a bit. I loved my rose colored glasses, dammit!

The book truly was wonderful though, well written, and with the message that "love is love", which is really a beautiful message. I loved it in On The Island, when it was a a teacher a few years older than her student, so why shouldn't I love it just as much between two "Straight" men? Do I think they'd have ever gotten together if they hadn't been in the situation they were in? No, probably not, but the fact is, they were in the situation they were in, so what ifs are really invalid.

I particularly loved that they were better together. Even after they returned home, to their real lives, what they went through changed them. Having someone they loved and trusted so much gave both of them the confidence to make the changes that they needed, to really be happy. To me, that is the more important message, not "two straight guys fall in love", but two people, who encountered huge odds, and made each other better. And isn't that really what it's all about?