A review by shelleyrae
A Slight Change of Plan by Dee Ernst


A Slight Change of Plan is a smart, witty and engaging novel about love and life, wonderfully capturing the challenges of middle age woman reinventing herself after her husband has gone and her children are grown up. A pragmatist with a romantic soul, Kate is a wholly likeable protagonist and I'd be happy to share a glass of wine, or a spaghetti dinner, with her any time.

The situations Kate are faced with are ones many mature women can relate to from the irritation of hot flushes to the concern for an aging mother, and I think Ernst portrays them in a realistic manner, if sometimes slightly exaggerated for comic effect. I smiled a lot through this story and laughed out loud more than once.

A Slight Change of Plan is chick-lit for the mature woman, well written, funny and full of heart, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to any woman of a certain age.