A review by nixerix
The Nurse by J.A. Corrigan


2.5 stars, rounded up to 3. Based on the title and cover of the book, I was expecting more of a medical mystery/thriller, but I was sorely disappointed when the book very loosely focused on that theme. It focused much more on parenthood, which is not only done to death, but something that just really doesn't interest me. I felt misled.

I quite liked our main character Rose (especially in the present day), as what her thoughts, feelings and actions were remained a bit of a mystery all throughout. She was well written. Our other main character Theo I cared for a lot less. He's a weak and very gullible/naive man. The whole love story with him and Rose felt very forced, cliché and lacked any kind of substance. They don't even have chemistry. Some of the other major characters weren't given enough time in the story to really flesh out all that well, although you definitely get a feeling for which characters you do or don't like anyways.

Most of the story is told through dialogue and story-telling rather than any kind of action. Lots of tell, very little show. There's a lot of names here to keep track of that you may forget about, as there's lots of minor characters sprinkled in everywhere. There were multiple sex scenes that were unnecessary filler that I found myself just glossing right over.

I will say that I do like the way this author writes. Her vocabulary is advanced, the flow and pacing were both very good. The past and present were written in a way that complimented each other and the story was easy to follow because the past and present were woven together so well. I would give this author another chance and hopefully the next one catches my interest a little bit more.