A review by misspalah
On the State of Egypt: What Made the Revolution Inevitable by Alaa Al Aswany


The revolution of Egypt occurred in 2011 and i was not well versed in it back then . Most of my classmates studied in Egypt back then and has been vocally supporting the revolution. My facebook wall filled with a huge support of Muslims Brotherhood posts and eager to see the candidate from the Islamic party to take over once Mubarak resigned. I am not surprised either given the fact that most of them studied at AL-Azhar University. At that time, however, i was restrained to voice out my own opinion. I always support the ideals of secular government ; away from ambiguity of religion standard and crystal clear implementation of good governance. However, i cant say this lightly. I will be framed as infidel or someone who pushes Islam away and i have no strength to defend myself. Here we are, in 2016, which i am manage to dig and read more to understand the Egypt revolution. Mr Alaa writing it perfectly and even in its own simplicity, one cant turn away from all the facts that he wrote and assembled it in his book. Being an Egyptian himself, he shared his devastation and sadness seeing his own country being harmed by despotism government and corrupt officers and politicians. He lamented of what Egypt used to be and compared it to the current state of Egypt. This is truly powerful and insightful book.