A review by doomi
Other Sides: 12 Webfiction Tales by G. L. Drummond, MCM, Meilin Miranda


I've really liked this one. Winning it on a giveaway was a treat, but reading it... I can sure say it was a real delight. It's been some time since I read something as refreshing as this. The stories go away from reality, everything is balanced and well described. I've just changed my opinion about thrillers.

Their book itself is just a compilation of short stories written by experimental writers... That's what I've come to understand at least from reading its description. Experimental or not, the stories are pretty good. Most of them are side stories from greater series their authors are working on. That's both great and a bit disappointing. Great cause it leaves more to search and find out. Disappointing... well, it leaves you wishing for more. And if you've got little time, it can be a real bugger. Getting past over it is no big deal, but it's not always pleasant to end a story in a cliff hanger situation and having to search for some more. Aside that, I'd like to praise the authors for their work. Real entertaining and a nice read. Keep it up.

And, to please the law and the Goodreads' giveaway terms and conditions, I have to state that I've received this copy of Other Sides thanks to their great giveaway system. Thanks a lot, guys.