A review by cleocleveland
Born in Blood by Alexandra Ivy


It took a while for this one to get going for me but it could be because I had a hellish business trip with no time for myself in the middle of it. There's no way it would have taken me 9 days to read this book had I been in my normal life. There was good world building, I'm really interested in the tension between the High Bloods and the humans (or the freaks and the norms) and the different types of High Bloods. I really liked Callie but Duncan had to grow on me. He started out a little too a-hole alpha for my taste but he definitely improved. I wished I could have seen the interaction with his family, I was looking forward to Callie meeting them. The ending felt a little abrupt but I'm looking forward to more in the series. There are some pairings being hinted at that I really want to see.