A review by betterwithabookinmyhand
Red Rising by Pierce Brown


ASDFGHJKL. How to break down my love for this read??

Well, first off, thank you Pierce Brown for making me get over my aversion to books set in space and on other planets. I swear, my husband will recommend a good sci-fi novel and once I read "On the planet ____ in the year 5080," I call it quits.

This space book rocked my freaking socks off, friends. It was the game aspect of The Hunger Games meets the revenge plot of The Count of Monte Cristo and maaaaaan did it work.

So instead of rambling and raving, and I'm going to gush over a few characters, to prove why this book is so absolutely worth reading.

Darrow - the protagonist. Yup, this is a book where I love the main character as much as the side characters (and that's saying a lot--I love my side characters). So, Darrow. What I love about Darrow is that he has deep wells of emotions that he draws from and you believe it from cover to cover. He loves as fiercely as he hates.

“Without me, she would not eat. Without her, I would not live.”
“I am the Reaper and death is my shadow.”

He makes mistakes as often as he outsmarts his enemies, which is realistic and refreshing. And just the journey of watching him claw his way though the injustice and social order that would kick him back down into darkness is an all-consuming, page-turning, heart-racing reading experience.

Sevro- Want a character that you want to hate but can't help but love? Sevro is a smart ass that could give a shit about how people look at him, but talk about a passionately loyal friend who is underestimated by the lot, except Darrow.

Pax- "PAX AU TELEMANUS!" Oh my goodness this brute of a gold made me laaaaugh! He starts out a Goliath that you want to shut up already and then out comes his Andre the Giant, Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy-level humor and he quickly became one of my favorite side characters.

One more!

Mustang- I must admit I like a girl who is a leader, and is clever and surprising. She wasn't who I expected her to be, and for that she's got my props. If I had her pegged as the docile Peeta to Darrow's Katniss, just a prop of slow-burning love, but she turned her standard on me and said, "Slag that, I make my own path." I get you now girl.

Please, do yourself a favor and read Red Rising. It comes highly recommended because it's such an intoxicating read. I cannot wait to continue this series.

5 Gold stars