A review by meghanreadsmm
Backwatch Lane by Elliot Arthur Cross


So this was book 3 of the the Demonic Survivors Support Group series. By Book 3, the story is getting more exciting and fleshed out and I have developed a real fondness for the characters. And then ... ??? I'm not sure what the next book is. Book 3 has an open ending, not exactly a cliff-hanger but definitely leading to more. So is there a Book 4 or is Book 4 being developed? This is a very subtly charming, quirky tale with characters who are also subtly charming and quirky.

While looking for a Book 4, I noticed Cross also wrote Camp Carnage. That particular type of horror story is definitely not to my taste, but that includes movies with a similar trope. It's a good thing I only found out afterwards, because I might have otherwise skipped the Demonic Survivors series.