A review by andrewgillsmith
The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers by Christopher Vogler


Indispensable for a modern writer.

I tend to judge books that are based in mythology rather harshly. Not because I dislike mythology--on the contrary, I studied it in college and have continued to do so my whole life. I love it. I love it so much, in fact, that I can be rather like a helicopter parent when it comes to the subject. If anyone unworthy approaches it, I first cast a Paddington-style hard stare. Then, if necessary, I pounce.

Oh, but Vogler gets it. He truly gets it. He understands the churning, cthonic power of Jungian archetypes. He has mapped the well-travelled but seldom described narrative grooves that evolution has carved into our brains.

I'm so grateful for this book, and I'm sure other writers feel the same.