A review by rereader33
The Daughter In Law by Nina Manning


You know what? I don't care enough about this novel to do a full rant review (plus I'm playing Pokemon right now and that's DEFINITELY top priority) so I'm just going to list my problems with this book in bullet points to make this faster. Okay? Okay great, let's get this fuckin' done:

-None of the characters have any personality or characterization that is: interesting, engaging, relatable, or anything that makes them more than cardboard cutouts with a handful of emotions smeared on them. Annie is overbearing, demanding, crazy as fuck, and angry. Ben likes music. Daisy is...umm...shit, what was she?...you know what, I don't care, moving on.

-The prose is way too simple by adult standards. And the writing was basic and completely unsubtle. As I said in my update, if you don't where the story is going after a certain point, then you've obviously never read a piece of fiction in your life. EVER.

-The final showdown/climax/whatever that mess was towards the end was super fucking rushed and held little to no emotional weight.

-The conclusion was rushed as well and felt undeserving, like the author wanted to wrap everything up in a neat little bow but ended up slapping on a cheap, tacky bow that nearly fell off.

That's about it. Honestly, if you really want to read this, by all means do so. It's not the worst thing I've ever read and it makes for a quick summer read. Just don't go into it with high expectations.