A review by katemiller41
The Third Kingdom by Terry Goodkind


There are so many things that I love about the Richard and Kahlan books, but this one lacked many of the characteristics that I've grown to expect.

While the story line can seem to meander through some of these books, the characters strength, wisdom, and logic have always saved the long drawn out conversations, or seemingly endless hikes through unknown territories. The Third Kingdom disappointed me in this way. Instead of Richard using his logic to escape situations, he actually gave up! That is something that I never thought I'd see from these characters.

Yes, I know that there are times when things seem insurmountable, but that's why we read isn't it? We read to feel that nothing is impossible; nothing is really hopeless. I've grown so fond of these books because even in the darkest of times, Richard has triumphed. Even when EVERY odd was stacked against him, Goodkind found a way to make it seem reasonable for Richard to come out on top. I missed that dearly in this book.

And, about these long conversations...There was one conversation in this book that lasted 75 pages (ish). It was an important conversation and conveyed pretty much the whole story line. But, during said conversation, there was no action, very little movement, and small amounts of exciting information. It was a very difficult and slow read.

On the plus side though, Goodkind did not fail to produce some of the most remarkable women characters I've ever read. Samantha! Vika! Cara! Oooh, the strength these women represent. Even in the face of some of the most perilous situations or heart wrenching pain, they overcome their fears and heartache in order to preserve their lives, and the lives of those they love most.

Overall, this book was a little...rough. As always, so much to love, but not portrayed with the grace of many of this works.