A review by 1_and_owenly
Fantasy Magazine, April 2011 by Jonathan L. Howard, John Joseph Adams, Peter S. Beagle, Carrie Vaughn, Kat Howard, Jonathan Howard


This is the closest the any of the Cabal books have come to the subgenre of "steampunk." And while I do not feel that it truly describes any of this series, I can understand why some people label it as such.

Johannes Cabal, a necromancer of some little infamy, is at it again. And this time his investigations into secrets that humanity foolishly attempts to keep hidden from him have taken our protagonist to meet a genius who even impresses him! No mean feat, indeed.

As usual, there are dangers to be overcome. As usual, Cabal's wits are as sharp and dangerous as a stiletto.

If you have read and enjoyed any of the other Cabal stories, you will enjoy this one as well. If not, this is as good a place to start as any. It holds no references to previous works.