A review by beccagomezfarrell
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger


I hated HATED the Time Traveler's Wife. So I did not expect to like this book at all and to complain loudly to my book group for making me read it. But I thought it was a huge improvement over her last book, one with an interesting plot and well-thought out characters. The ideas of twins and the complexities than come from relationships with too much togetherness and duality was interesting to explore. I also really liked her conception of a ghost's life and their state of being and progression. Once the plot takes a strange turn toward the end, though, she lost me a little--especially with having Martin get close to cheating on his wife--that seemed very out of character for him. I'm not entirely sure what to make of the conclusion, but I liked the journey and it gave me plenty to chew on.