A review by seeinghowitgoes
Worth Any Price by Lisa Kleypas


Worthy Any Price was the sequal to a novel which I would end up reading a few weeks after this one. The problem with this novel was, I remembered almost none of the characters and only connected the two when thinking, 'Hey that sub-plot sounds familiar...'

That said, I'm a sucker for the bad-boy style main character which is mostly likely why they sell so well. Nick Gentry is now part of the Bow Street runners and while on a case, somehow falls head over heels for the woman he's supposed to be tracking down.

What follows is a lot of angst, as Nick offers to rescue Lottie by marrying her, thus taking her out of the reaches of the man she's been on the run from for the past 2 years. Yep, one of those. Of course, the pair fall madly in love after their marriage and the end is a big climax which sees the standoff between Nick and Lottie's somewhat unwanted suitor.

Or so I'd assume, as it's been over 10 months since I've read the novel. Someone let me know if I'm wrong?