A review by curry_bb
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan


Oh wow, I have a some thoughts about this book.
I don't know how to slide into the topic so we'll just jump right in

Its been a while since I read the book I might have overlooked something in this review

1. The Characters

This book features Jason, Piper and Leo as the main characters, and we hear the story troight their POV's. OH BOY did this tear down the score.

I absolutely could not stand Jason, not a single bit, I hated his POVs. Every. Single. One. He is just so boring and has ZERO personality, no character arc (tho to be fair neither do the others) and is just not relateable in the slightest (this is a more personal thing tho). I remember just dreading reading from this mans POV. For some reason, the others say he is the leader? Why? He rarely did anything leader-like, and they'd known him for like, a week? This is a little meta but the entire book hust has the "white main character with POC side-kicks" vibe to it.

Now for Piper. I have to say I didn't like her very much either, I only started warming up to her towards the end of the book. She just, spends most of the book lamenting over Jason or hating being pretty?? Idk, I just don't like the trope of women not being allowed to:
1. Be pretty
2. Know they're pretty
3. Like the fact that they're pretty
It just feels like her entire personality for this book is "I am pretty but I don't want to be bc pretty girls are EVIL". The only thing she thinks about for the majority of the book is either Jason or how much she hates being pretty, it just kind of ruined her POVs.

And lastly we have Leo
Now, I will start by saying that Leo is one of my favourite characters in the entire Percy Jackson universe, and I don't have many complaints about him. Hes funny, but has his serious moments and he also had very relateable struggels with self-confidence and feeling like a 3rd wheel (which he pretty much was sooo). That being said, him being the only likeable of trio for the majority of the book made it very hard to go through! And not to talk about the stereotypes! Leo is latinx, and he constantly says "Mamacita"