A review by ebartsch85
To Get to the Other Side by Kelly Ohlert


I had high hopes for this book, and the premise was so fun and different. I mean, the meet-cute is a chicken in the middle of Chicago! I was giggling at the idea and loved the start of the book, however, the story and character lacked depth. It was almost painful how CLOSE this was to being a great book. Something would be introduced that I thought would elevate it to that level I was craving, and then it just wouldn't quite get there. In a romance novel, I like to see the characters develop their own characters and also develop together in their relationship. I just didn't get enough of their relationship developing and couldn't quite believe that we got to their HEA. The book was still a fun read and the dialogue was great, it was just rushed. I needed more. I love the Ross family and wish we could have seen more Fawn and Zoey.

FYI, for those looking for a steamy book, this book is a total fade to black and a zero on the chili pepper spicy scale.