A review by sk24
A Tap on the Window by Linwood Barclay


**A big thank you to NAL and Edelweiss for providing me with this eARC!**
I was in no way compensated for this review. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I've been a fan of Linwood Barclay ever since I read his book, No Time For Goodbye, many years ago. I have been meaning to read more of his books since then, but never actually got around to it (you know how it is!) until I saw this book on Edelweiss. So, I was pretty excited to read another of his books! I thought the story was very well done. Very mysterious, suspenseful, and had a bit of an eerie sense to it. The story is narrated by Cal Weaver, a private detective, who starts out looking into who sold the drugs to his son that caused him to take his own life. Cal does some very questionable things on his search to uncover the truth. It's safe to say that Cal and his wife, Donna, are not dealing with their son's death in a healthy way. The story continues with Cal giving a ride to a girl, Claire, who knew his son. And things go very awry from there on and Cal spends the rest of the novel investigating the strange happenings.

I'm not sure what exactly my opinion of Cal is. It was definitely easy to sympathize with him and his wife, after losing their son. But, as I said, he does not deal with the tragedy very well and, in turn, does some questionable things that may cause a person not to like him very much or relate to him. However, he is not a completely unlikeable character either. He's just kind of there and tells a very interesting and suspenseful story that you will want to keep reading about.

Barclay is an excellent storyteller. He does not give anything away and keeps everything very mysterious right up until the end. Even when you think you've got it all figured out, along with the narrator, then boom! Nope. Wrong! You are completely taken aback and surprised at the final discoveries. I love that. I love it when novels can surprise me and constantly keep me on my toes.

I would recommend A Tap on the Window to lovers of Mystery and Suspense. Barclay is very good at what he does and I can't wait to read more of his books in the future! Once I got to about the halfway-mark of this book, I could not put it down. Everything just went crazy and things were being uncovered, while also keeping other things a mystery...and I just had to keep reading!