A review by pattydsf
Well, That Escalated Quickly: Memoirs and Mistakes of an Accidental Activist by Franchesca Ramsey


“But when it comes to basic human rights issues—like trans bathroom laws, affordable health care, or same-sex marriage—agreeing to disagree feels nearly impossible. An opinion stops being “just an opinion” when it supports the mistreatment or oppression of others.”

I know that this was recommended somewhere on the Internet as a funny audiobook. Now I can’t find my source, but I wish I could. Not that this book wasn’t funny, but I need to pay more attention to my sources for reviews. I am almost 65 years old and a book written by a 35-year-old about being a YouTube sensation may not be as funny for me as for a 35-year-old. Mostly this is my fault, I don’t keep up with YouTube and much of social media at all.

I guess I could have stopped listening since this was not exactly what I was looking for, but I just couldn’t let go. One of the reasons I became a librarian was because I like learning. Ramsey taught me a lot. I might not need to know about MTV’s program Decoded or Ramsey’s hairstyling videos, but this is a world I will never be native to. So, learning a few things from a digital native didn’t hurt.

The other thing I learned is to pay more attention to the type of person who is suggesting an audio. I may not understand the context well enough to get all the jokes.