A review by shellyreyn85
Hidden With You by J. Kenner



"My time with Jasper was a fantasy. I know that now. I know the truth. Everybody leaves. Everybody disappoints. And I'm better off just staying alone."

I want to start off by saying there is no better ultimate book boyfriend than Damien Stark. I have followed this story line from the very beginning and I love the Stark Security Series. However, compared to the other books, this one just fell a little flat for me.

I found Zelda (an odd name for a twenty-something girl) to be annoying. She's pushy and seems to be a little entitled. I liken her to Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka - "I want it now!" And, while she was supposed to be the target of a death threat, she didn't seem overly concerned about it. All she wanted to to get Jasper in to bed, despite his objections.

Then there's Jasper - I had no love for him. He's at Stark solely for self-serving purposes and doesn't really seem to have anyone's back but his own. He's supposed to be guarding Zelda but he takes her out in public more than once, and the rest of the time he's pawing at her and rolling around in the sheets.

The plot itself wasn't bad. It was just under-developed. She gets a death threat letter in the mail, with no address, and none of the cameras around her property, or at the gate pick up anything? Then there's nothing else for more than half the book. It really wasn't difficult to figure out where this was going and that somehow, Zelda and Jasper would have a common thread.

Despite the above, I didn't hate the book. I wished there was more "meat" to the plot and that I would have had more of reason to be invested in these characters. I also would have liked a little more drama. The suspense level in this one was ho-hum in my opinion. But, it's a Stark book, so I'll always read it.

Plus, there is a hint of what's to come and I can't wait for the next books!