A review by kateh3077
Fiend by Peter Stenson


I would like to start this review by thanking BloggingforBooks for allowing me to read this book and I am so glad that I was able to because although it took me a while to read I really enjoyed it. Which is why I am giving 4 stars out of 5.

When I chose this book off of the bloggingforbooks.com site its cover made me think that it would be a book that I would enjoy so I then read the synopsis for it and decided that I would like to read. And the book did not disappoint in the least and the image on the cover was really appropriate as its a danger symbol.

It took me a while to read this book because although the authors writing style immersed you in the story because of the fact that the story was about a group of drug addicts stuck in the middle of the zombie appocalypse, who were tripping most of the time so there were times when you didn't know when the things were actually happening or whether it was part of their hallucination. I didn't think about it while I was reading but there was a link the mindlessness of the zombies and the drug addicts and the author showed this in a very clever way because it didn't really occur to me until I had finished reading the book and thought about it for a while.

The author developed the characters and the world that they were in so well that you felt that you were actually part of the story as well as making me aware of how dark and scary it would be to be the non living dead alive when the zombie appocalypse happened.

I enjoyed this book and will be re reading it again at some point as well as possibly buy a paperback copy so I can have it on my shelf. I will also recomend it to others/buy it as gifts for other people.
I would like to start this review by thanking Blogging for Books for allowing me to read this book and I am so glad that I was able to because although it took me a while to read I really enjoyed it. Which is why I am giving 4 stars out of 5.