A review by vikingwolf
The Woods Are Dark by Richard Laymon


There is a small town that you don't want to stop in. If you do, the locals will capture you, take you out to the trees and tie you up there as food and entertainment for the psycho cannibals...and even if you manage to escape, they will hunt you down and there is no help for miles around...

The story follows two groups of people who make the fatal mistake of stopping in the town, only to be taken to the woods. A man living in the town decides to go and rescue one of the girls because he is attracted to her, just as the cannibals emerge from the trees.

This is a book that has no real character development. The people are just there basically as death and rape fodder. As the characters try to escape, different fates await each one as the chase begins. I liked the start of the book but after the big escape it went a bit stupid. Sorry but if I was hiding in the woods with bloodthirsty cannibals chasing me, having sex with a guy is not high on my list of priorities!

I've since read that there are two versions of this book and I suspect that I read the mutilated original one as I bought it while I was at college so if I can find this new version, I might see if it is better.