A review by joshrskinner
Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ by Tony Reinke


This is another great book in a great series. Theologians on the Christian Life has fast become a go to series for me. If you have any interest in history and the Christian faith, these are some nice non-biographies. I have read a couple and they have consistently been quite good. Newton would be the theologian I am least familiar with that I have read about in this series, so I was pretty interested to get started with it.

Reinke does a great job of outlining Newton’s thought, primarily through his letters, and really encouraging the reader to dig deeper to learn more about this interesting life. I always enjoy how Reinke writes and this subject matter. My one criticism would be that I thought it was a bit long. Not that the last chapters should have been cut, but I think the whole could have been condensed a bit. This work in 180-200 pages would have been my ideal. That being said, this is a great volume that the reader will not regret investing time and money in.

I received a review copy from the publisher.