A review by rays_reads
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata

Did not finish book. Stopped at 65%.
Overall rating: undecided between 2 & 3 stars (after review its 2.75)
DNF @ 65%

I've ever wanted to physically rip out pages from a book until I read this one. The way this book needed a harsh editor to cut the amount of repetitive bull shit I had to read.... sighhhh.. Idk if this was the same amount I read in <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5954398160">All Rhodes Lead Here</a> but it wasn't as noticeable as it was in this book. 

I feel like the main difference between both books is that the readers get the emphasis that Aurora (the FMC in ARLH) had her own goals to accomplish and that was the main part of the story. But in this book... I don't know what was supposed to be front and center... the romance or the career? Which was the main plot and which was the sub plot? It's like the author couldn't figure out which one should take precedence and I felt like I was flip flopping between the romance storyline and her small business storyline... It wasn't even interesting which made it worse... I felt bored multiple times throughout the book and had to stop reading it for hours on end... I honestly should've dropped it much sooner but since I liked Zapata's other book I decided to be nice and push through.

Now, I won't say its all bad because what I did read of the romance plot was pretty good. They were going from strangers to friends and when I stopped I could tell they were inching into lovers territory. Vanessa and Aiden have so much baggage to work through it made sense as to why Aiden didn't really care to have a relationship with Vanessa before and it made sense as to why Vanessa quit after 2 years on the job. Both have shitty people in their backstory and I like how that really impacted their relationship in the beginning. Vanessa was lowkey starting to get on my nerves tho because:

1. Girly was not a true brokie... IN THIS ECONOMY UR GONNA TELL ME THAT UR GONNA SAY NO TO HAVING STUDENT LOANS PAID OFF AND A FREE HOUSE?! BSFFR... I could hate the person for all I care but you're never gonna hear me saying no to debt being paid off AND A FREE HOUSE.

2. Her inner monologue was just too repetitive. Like girl. We get it. Your sisters suck, your mom sucks, you got issue... boohoo stop telling me every fucking 5 seconds. I got less empathetic every time I had to hear about her god damn mommy issues... 

3. She's a hypocrite. I can't tell you how many times this girl wouldn't take her own advice... Like she told people to stick up for themselves but then wouldn't until she quit (finally). Then she kept secrets from her friend and then got mad when her friend did the exact same thing? (Also side note... nobody is entitled to every single detail in ur life and real friends would respect ur boundaries... idk what kinda friendship Vanessa wants but she was not being a true friend to Diana... especially after hearing about the situation...)

Nevertheless I thought Aiden was a good character... Tho annoying at times it made sense... Overall... it just felt like this book could've done so much more if it had so much less.... you know the saying... less is more... and in this case... it needed to be a lot less... Because the writing is good.. the slowburn was slow burning... the characters were decent.... but there was just TOO MUCH and I couldn't take it anymore....

I had this in my library but I will be unhauling... Will I try this again..maybe? Overall it wasn't bad so I can see myself coming back to this but not any time soon.