A review by bookishfairy
King of Sword and Sky by C.L. Wilson


This book is the mid-point of the whole series. You learn a lot and all of it you know is going ot be useful for the last two books of the series. I wouldn’t say this book is only a set up for the rest but it is a change from what the first two books were.

It never really feels like it when you’re reding it though. As you’re reading, everything is important and happening in the moment. But at the end it comes crashing to you that you should’ve paid that much more attention.

I liked that we finally leave Celieria. Discovering the Fading Lands and having everything that’s been told to Elly actually happen is really nice and it happens at the right time in the story. Being separated from the twins was sad but meeting the Tairen is good.

Maliandra was a really cool part of the story for me and I was so interested in the mind of this child of the Eld who clearly has magic unlike what Maur seems to think. I was really excited to know what would happen with that.

I was really sad too that Elly’s future be so dark according to everyone and you feel really helpless when reading the book when the Massan decides to believe the worst of her. It’s like Celieria all over again except there’s no mage to blame, which makes it worse.