A review by kitvaria_sarene
Battlemage by Stephen Aryan


This book is a strange one for me.
I don't have any concrete problems with it, that I can put my finger on. But it somehow just didn't really grip me. I had a hard time concentrating on it, and had to go back a few times, as I noticed I zoned out a bit and didn't pay close attention.
I liked the main characters, and the prose was just fine -I think it was just too small a scope for me?
Yes there are plenty of characters and different viewpoints, but it still felt kind of "small" to me.
I didn't really "feel" the war - there were detailed descriptions of blood and gore, but I wasn't really part of the story, and feeling the despair or the fear. Also the world felt a bit to enclosed for my liking.
I liked the different religions, the battlemages and the fight scenes - plenty of action and was quite entertaining. I also enjoyed the dialogues and the character interactions, but thought some of the characters were a bit bland on their own.

All in all definitely a book worth a read, especially for people who like a focus on war and fighting.