A review by randi_reads
Always a Bridesmaid by Cindi Madsen


3.5 stars

Violet returns to Uncertainty, Alabama, after being strung along for many years with the promise of marriage by her ex to him marrying someone else. She’s come to stay with her half sister for a month or two and she causes quite a stir in the small town on her first day. That’s where she meets hot firefighter, Ford.

Ford is the Dude of Honor in his best friend, Addie’s wedding and is clueless about wedding stuff. Violet has been a bridesmaid seven times and agrees to help with the planning, which puts her and Ford together often.

This is a cute, quick read. I enjoyed Violet and Ford’s story. It was somewhat predictable, but I was okay with it. I enjoyed the banter between Violet and Ford, the friendship between all the friends, and the cute German shepherd puppies-in-training!

This is book two in the series. I have not read the first book and didn’t feel like I was missing any necessary information to enjoy this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for a digital arc in exchange for my honest review.