A review by tales_of_monika
The Little Book of Yoga: Illustrated Poses to Strengthen Your Body, De-Stress and Improve Your Health by Eleanor Hall


I've wanted to get into yoga for quite some time now but instead of just jumping into doing exercises I wanted to learn about what it actually does for the body and the mind. And this little book is great for complete beginners - like me!

One of my favourite actresses inspired me to get up and start doing something and so I bought a mat, whipped out some sporty clothes and found an online course.

A lot of "beginner" courses already expect you to know some of the terminology, such as "sun salutations". This book explains these in a simple way. I love how it explains all of the poses step by step - if it was an audiobook you wouldn't even have to look at what your instructor is doing, it gives so much detail about which muscles to move, when to inhale and exhale.

The book goes through standind, seated and lying poses and not only does it explain each pose, it also gives you suggestions about the sequence, in which you should use them.