A review by lizziehutchings
City of Ghosts by V.E. Schwab


~~edit 02/20/22~~

"But when you take a photograph, things stay still. The way that they were, is the way that they are, is the way that they will always be.”

I love the morbid lightheartedness that this book has, and Jacob has to be my favorite ghost (fictional and non-fictional) that I have ever known.

This book is just filled with witty humor from V.E. that I love so much Jacob and Cassidy are the best possible dynamic duo I could have imagined, and their friendship racks my heart and soul. Such a feel-good book.

Have a wonderful afternoon.


3.75 stars!

“There's a difference between wanting to stay and being too afraid to let go.”

Ahh. Finishing two V.E. Schwab books on the same day is like giving candy to a baby. More like she is giving candy to me. In the form of a book.

Anyway. I cannot emphasize enough how much I love Queen Victoria Schwab's writing style and characters. It just--agh. No words. At all.

I loved both of the main characters in this book. Jacob was a personal favorite for me, I just loved their sweet and innocent friendship, it was adorable. That was definitely the highlight of the book for me.

I just love how versatile Victoria is. Y'all, I just finished reading the darkest book in the V.E. Schwab-iverse and this book seemed equivalent to a fluffy pillow compared to [b:Vengeful|26856502|Vengeful (Villains, #2)|V.E. Schwab|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1519916942l/26856502._SY75_.jpg|46895070], haha. It just astonishes me that the same author can write awesome Middle Grade and Children's books, but simultaneously author adult novels about jealous sociopaths trying to kill each other.

If I read this book when I was in the middle of the target age, I would probably 5/5 stars this book, easy. But as I am