A review by si0bhan
Dark Rivers of the Heart by Dean Koontz


I’m a massive Koontz fan, I love pretty much every book I have read by him, yet I am of the firm belief that his older work is much better than his more recent work. I admit that the Odd Thomas series is my favourite, but collectively his older work scores higher ratings than his more recent work – for me, that is.

So, that means you’re going to hear a number of the same comments about this one as with his other work.

As always, Koontz creates a collection of great characters (yep, even those with mysterious pasts) and throws them into a truly gripping story. I confess that this one started slower than some of his other books, but once the ball is rolling it does not stop. A faced paced suspenseful read, it has everything that Koontz has to offer: his usual charms of pulling at our emotions, leaving us second guessing, questions arising only to be answered at the right moments… basically the old school Koontz package.

Overall, another great old school Koontz. Whilst not my favourite by the author it is a great way to remind me of what he is truly capable of.