A review by jaironside
Chemistry by C.L. Lynch


Tremendous fun with extra BRAAAIIIINNSSSS! ;)

I avoided this book to start with because I dislike spoofs (at least spoofs on successful books, of which Twilight has many - usually appallingly written) and Chemistry's cover screamed 'Twilight spoof'. On further examination there is so much more to it then that. This is a sharp, witty and extremely funny story that will appeal to both Twilight and non-Twilight fans alike. Yes, there's the obvious crossovers - the basic plot of a girl moving home and meeting a boy who turns out to be the man of her dreams minus the tiny detail that he is dangerous and is tempted to eat her. And some of the names pay a tongue in cheek tribute as well - Stella - Bella. Howard - Edward. the Cullins - the Mullins etc And maybe this started off life as a straight forward parody but it clearly reanimated into something completely different - with added brains.

Stella is not a meek and gentle girl. Stella is loud, swears like a trucker, is a size 18 and has a fair chip on her shoulder about it, intelligent, does not suffer fools gladly and totally kicks arse - literally, she does kung fu. By contrast Howard is a nerdy, 50s throw back, a pariah who everyone else shuns because he and his family are different. Bad different - creepy but can't say why different. It might not be love at first sight but it's definitely love by the third brain wave. Hilarity ensues because Howard has a secret...and he really does love Stella for her brains.

All in all a very entertaining read - one I would read again which is a huge compliment. Some of the scenes went on a little too long in the interest of milking every last laugh, and Stella would come through a bit more clearly if she dropped just a couple less F-bombs (actually if you're one of those people who is for some reason offended by swearing then give this a miss) but that's me being super picky. Really good fun that doesn't pull it's punches, isn't too clean and actually sounds like a seventeen year old girl.

Oh and it is so refreshing to see a teenager that has a really good, open and caring relationship with her broad minded, decent parents. We should all want parents like this or be aiming to be parents like this (undead shenanigans aside!)

Can't wait for History!