A review by cm_goodreads
Someone Just Like You by Meredith Schorr


Jude Stark and Molly Blum are reunited after nearly a decade apart when their siblings decide to throw a joint anniversary party for both sets of parents. Jude and Molly spent their childhood playing pranks against each other and pick up right where they left off with the pranking. As they spend more time together planning the party, the pair starts to develop a friendship. Molly and Jude also discover that they have been dating people that have various similarities to the other.

I liked the concept of this book, but overall it fell short for me. The book has a childhood rivals to lovers story, but some of the pranking felt mean spirited. Also, it felt like Molly was more interested in Jude than he was in her. I feel like I would have enjoyed it more if we had Jude’s POV also to see the development of feelings on his end.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!