A review by emitchellwrites
Escape from Witchwood Hollow by Jordan Elizabeth


I was given this book by Ms. Mierek herself for an honest review, so ladies and gents, that’s what I’ll give.

I’ll start off by saying from the very first description of Honoria drawing on the bleachers, I was intrigued and hooked on Mierek’s word choice. That being said, at first I was thrown by Mierek’s character names. Quite a few of them were strange, even the ones based in 2001. Every time I got over one, another would crop up. It wasn’t off-putting enough that I would have put down the book mind you.

There was also an over use of the word rotting, in the beginning. She found her stride halfway through and the interesting visuals became more beautiful and in depth, but not to the point of wordy or overwrought. I was watching a film via words.

I was worried that I would get frustrated with her time jumps, I often think writers should spend more time on each before they move on. In this case, it was irritating the first two times because I wanted more, but that’s the point isn’t it? By the next few times, and until the conclusion of the book, I loved the story segments that gave us a little taste at a time. An amuse-bouche if you will.

The small plots within the overall story were effortless. Each side comment felt like there was a purpose, even if it was just to round out the character for later moments. It was a very thoughtful book.

I consumed this book in one sitting, angry at my bladder for screaming at my for the last twenty pages - I’m good at ignoring trivial things such as that though. The ending, even if you weren’t sold on the book, the ending... I can’t say those two words enough. The ending brought a little trickle of tears and had my rushing to my laptop, still ignoring my human urges, just to share with you the feelings I have for this book. I hate books with a hundred dots after them, the just in case syndrome. Or worse yet, the wrap up ending that ruined every beautiful thing that just happened. No, this ending was bittersweet, yet perfect.

To be frank, I was worried. What if I hate the book? She sent it to me and I’m reviewing it for her. If I hate it, how would I let her down gently? Well folks, that’s a question for another book.

And I hope there are more authors that find me to do this, because I had never heard of her work and that would have been my loss.

Read. This. Book.