A review by crackedspines_
Nameless Queen by Rebecca McLaughlin


OVERALL RATING: 4.5/5 stars! Nameless Queen is an exciting, fast-paced book based on a very interesting idea, and the author executed it beautifully!
PLOT: 3/5 stars. I enjoyed the suspense and excitement, and the storyline was different from anything I've read before. There were some great plot twists! However I feel like they weren't executed quite right; although the twists were good, I found myself having to encourage myself to feel shocked, scared, etc.
STRUCTURE: 5/5 stars. The book was easy to follow and I didn't have to struggle to understand what was happening. When the plot twists came, they made sense with what had happened previously. The book followed a neat chronological order.
WORLD-BUILDING: 4/5 stars. I wish the writer had explained some things about the world earlier on in the book. Certain details about the world were fuzzy and unclear until late into it. But overall she created a rich sci-fi/dystopian world, and I often got sucked into it.
THEME: 4.5/5 stars. The core concept of the book was extremely unique and creative. The underlying themes helped add to the main plot of the story and conveyed their messages well.
CHARACTERS: 4/5 stars. Coin, the narrator and main character, was highly developed and realistic. Her quick wit combined with her apprehension and fear made her a complex character with real depth. Esther was also a great character; she had a nice character arc and I noticed my feelings about her change throughout the book. I enjoyed reading about Hat's growth and learning more of Glenquartz's story!
DIALOGUE: 5/5 stars. Hat's earnestness, Coin's sarcasm, Glenquartz's formality, and Esther's poise made for very interesting conversations! Every character had an individual manner of speaking.