A review by vondav
The Gaia Project by Claire Buss


Following on from Book 1, the coop is over and City 42 is being governed by Martha Hamble. To try and replenish their stocks, a scouting party goes to City 15, but when they find the city in ruins, they realise that the Corporation was trying to infiltrate the city. Knowing they are in danger the group plan their escape.
It was good to get back into the story and follow Kira, Jed, Martha, Ruth and their babies as they try and remain safe. As they try and rebuild the city, we learn more about each character and they all have an equal role to play in the story. Jed is slowly recovering from the loss of his best friend and whilst Kira was happy being a mom, she missed adult company. Martha was struggling to run City 42 and be a mom and Ruth was struggling to cope looking after her child.
Inserted throughout the story is media posts and messages, which help explain more of the trouble that the city is in and the corruption that is going on. I read this story in one day, as there was always something going on, whether they were all flying to find safety or discussing the plan of action. Due to the dangers that the group face, you are drawn into a thrilling read. As they investigate the other cities, you are introduced to some new characters, some are quite quirky and allow some comedy relief.
As this is story has a Sci-fi theme, there is a lot of technology mentioned and re-enforces how big brother was always watching. The detailed writing helps you easily imagine what type of world they live in. The story takes you on an adventure, which I did not want to end. This is a good addition to the series and whilst it did not end on a cliff-hanger and am curious to find out what happens next. If you like dystopian and Sci-fi, then pick up this series.