A review by deepbutdazzlingdarkness
Hurt for Me by Heather Levy


This was SO engaging, I read the whole thing in one afternoon/evening and I loved it. Such a sensitive, respectful look at kink and trauma and survival with some really great relationships. I liked the alternating timelines and learning about all the people Rae knew and loved and helped her on the way to Lily being born, and it kept the tension up all the way through. All of the characters are so well drawn and feel real, like they’re not cookie-cutter at all and I really cared about them.

Ngl I am surprised to see it described as a dark romance, because while the plot itself is dark, as well as Rae’s past, I wouldn’t call her relationship with Dayton dark at all, but that’s marketing for you I guess haha. Also I admit, initially I thought it was kiiiind of a cop out that
Spoilernot only did Bobby survive but also Clint, but for Rae’s sake I’m glad she didn’t have to live with the guilt of killing them and that presumably they will rot in prison as they deserve.

I don’t have Kindle Unlimited, so I was excited to discover that Heather Levy’s debut novel is available on Libby, because I’m definitely looking forward to checking out more of her work!

Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for the digital copy, all opinions are my own.