A review by cadiva
Accepting the Fall by Meg Harding


The epilogue went a long way in making up for my general state of "it's okay" which existed for the vast majority of this novella.

On paper it had everything which should have made it a winner for me - second chance lovers, former childhood friends, hurt comfort, animals and a cute kid - but it just never seemed to mix together into the right ingredients.

Cole annoyed me for a lot of the book as he had a boyfriend and, while there absolutely wasn't any cheating in this, his attitude towards Patrick before Zander was even on the scene was a bit lacking.
Once Zander did arrive, it became clear poor Patrick would be getting the heave ho and I felt sorry for him.

There's also supposed to be this driving attraction and passion left over from when they were 16/17 which had never gone away or been beaten by other lovers but I just never felt it until almost the very end of the story.

Still, it's not a bad story by any stretch of the imagination and the epilogue is really sweet and jumps forward a reasonable amount to peek into life once Savannah grows up.

ETA: One thing which I've just been reminded off via another excellent review for this novella by Nile Princess: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2000280061

There is a beautiful man on the cover and while I don't expect great detail to be gone into about the ethnicity of the characters, I do expect, if one of them is a POC and has been used on the cover of a book (which itself is pretty rare sadly), that at some point within the narrative it would be obvious WHICH character it is.

This doesn't happen until almost the end of the book. And it irritated me. And yes Zander's (you're welcome) ethnicity isn't a driving force in his behaviour but throughout the whole book I had a niggling "which one is the guy on the cover" thought going on which was distracting.

#ARC kindly provided by the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.