A review by aflv_reads
Revive by Nina Levine


Every time I read a Storm MC novel, I think it will be good, but certainly not as good as the previous one. It’s true! When I read Storm, I fell in love with Madison’s story and I loved Storm! So, when I went to Fierce, I knew it would be good, but not as good as Storm. Boy, was I wrong? I really think Scott is my favorite guy and Harlow is a sweetheart! And I thought, ok Nash will be burning some panties, but come on; Scott is the man. And yes I was wrong. Again. Nash is heartbreakingly amazing and Velvet is breathtakingly awesome!

So, I have concluded this: “ The Storm MC Series is absolutely amazing and there’s no point in trying to figure out which book is the best and your favorite.”

And it’s true.

The Storm MC Series is one of the best series I’ve ever read. Nina has this unique ability to draw your mind and soul in her universe and keep you there. In each book, we center on a different couple, but we still have this bond. It’s like following the river. The water keeps flowing and goes to different directions, but we have the main stream, the backbone of it all. Nina hops from couple to couple in such an effortless way that it seems like we read a story that keeps expanding, with no beginning nor ending. The writing is so beautiful that you don’t feel that you’ve gone elsewhere, that you see the world with different eyes. You feel like you were always there….
On the one hand, we don’t forget the previous couple. On the other hand, we fall in love with the current couple.

Revive’s story is spectacular and I will come to that shortly. But, first….

Nina Levine, you are one heck of a writer and you should be extremely proud of this series and of yourself!!! You are amazing and THANK YOU for creating such a fantastic universe that we don’t want to leave!

So, Let’s get to Revive aka Nash and Velvet’s story…

I loved their relationship. I loved that they were friends first, I loved their chemistry, how they communicated with each other..Their relationship, romantic or friendly, is explosive and off the charts. Nash has issues that no one knows and he is stuck in his own personal hell. Velvet has left her ‘cage’ and doesn’t take no for an answer.

She pushes Nash like no one ever does. Nash hurts her like no other.

But after Nash makes up his mind; well, hurting takes a back seat.

No one will ever love Velvet like he does and no one will take care of Nash like she does.

Their relationship is unique and utterly breathtaking!

So, Revive receives 5 Huge Sparkling Stars!!

What the heck was that ending, Nina? I cannot wait for Slay..Not to mention that I always liked Blade… Blade’s story aka Slay is going to be EPIC!