A review by bookishlyem
Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross


absolutely devoured this book. like...I literally just finished reading it 5 minutes ago. I am so immensely glad I picked it up, because I truly do think this is worth the read.

I rate this not 5 stars, but very close to it--perhaps 4.6-4.8

My only issues with the novel (and it is a comparatively small issue) are that the rivalry bit could have been dragged out more to build the tension (that was still present regardless), and that the point where they started falling in love and enjoyed each others presence felt a little rushed. Additionally, I felt myself cringing at certain points, but those were only during the letter correspondence but I was cringing unnecessarily at just a few things, so that's more of a me problem haha! Again, these are just some small aspects about the story that I wanted to point out in this review, but other than that--I have no negative things to say about the book! I am so excited to jump into book 2!!!!!!!