A review by friendlydisaster101
Major Impossible: A Grand Canyon Tale by Nathan Hale


Major Impossible tells the story of Major John Wesley Powell, through his time in the American Civil War, as well as his expedition down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. As is characteristic of the 'Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales' series, the story was captivating while being extremely informative, along with a touch of humor here and there.

That being said, I'm not sure if I was the only one but I felt that this book was shorter than the others in the series. That might have been because I was anticipating it so much that I read it all at once, or because there simply wasn't as much content as there is in other major events that the books have covered.

Overall, an interesting read with amusing illustrations, and I would definitely recommend if you'd like to learn more about an expedition that, in my experience, isn't spoken of much.