A review by appelkers
Fever by Lauren DeStefano


This book was very much to my liking. The pacing was right, the writing was creative, the storyline was good and the dystopian world was interesting. I simply could not put this book down, it was such a captivating story. All of the above mentioned factors just came together perfectly in this book.

The pacing was not too slow neither too fast. I never had the feeling that I missed something because I was just getting an overload of information. But I never felt like skipping ahead just to get a move on the story either.

I really liked the writing, it just made it easy to get sucked right into the world. I could easily imagine how horrible it would be to live in this house where you were being kept against your will. Just like I understand how she sometimes felt as if it wasn’t too bad.The only thing that bothered me sometimes were the slight repetitions (stating again that they died of the fever, etc.).

This world in which the new generations die so young is very interesting. Because it has the pro-nature followers (those who think the human race should just die out) just like there are people who desperately want to save their children and the human race with them. I also really liked the concept of Rhine being stuck in a house where she could have everything she wanted except for the thing she wanted the most, her freedom.

Rhine is a very relatable character for me, she handles much like I would have done if I had found myself in this horrible situation. She wasn’t needlessly rebellious nor extremely compliant. Rhine’s relationship with her sister wives were very interesting as well, they were all married to the same man and because of that they were all stuck in the same situation, though each wife handled it differently.